- COVID-19 in Bolivian Amazon
- Genetic mutation for Alzheime's Disease increases fertility
- Embarrassment of Riches
- Natural selection for immunity and metabolism
- The Importance of Elders
- Thanks for the Memory
- All in a Day's Work
- The Health Gap
- A drop in temperature
- How we age
- Indigenous protection
- The status of women
- Old foes, old friends
- The population paradox
- Finding your niche
- WEIRD Science?
- Food for thought
- A pound of cure
- Life lessons
- How old are your arteries?
- ASU professor helps lead study that shows low levels of arterial plaque in group with low good cholesterol, high inflammation
- Resolving the ''Hispanic Paradox''
- Banking on Strangers
- For Whom the Births (and Worms) Toll
- Playing Defense
- All in the Family
- Share and Share Alike
- More Isn't Always Better
- Glad to Be Home
- What's Your Status?
- UCSB Responds to Devastating Floods in Bolivia
- Hormones in the Crosshairs
- Studying the Evolutionary Benefit of Personality Traits
- UCSB Anthropologist Studies the Evolutionary Benefit of Human Personality Traits
- Dueling Infections: One Keeps the Other at Bay, Say UCSB Anthropologists
- UCSB Anthropologists Study the Genesis of Reciprocity in Food Sharing
- UCSB Anthropologists Study Testosterone Spikes in Non-Competitive Activities
- UCSB Anthropologists Study Effects of Modernization on Physical Activity and Heart Disease Among Amerindian Men and Women
- Study by UCSB Anthropologists Suggests 'Universal' Personality Traits May Not Be Universal After All
- UCSB Anthropologists Find Access to Contraceptives Doesn't Necessarily Mean Smaller Families, Even for Those Who Want Them
- Study by UCSB Anthropologists Finds High Levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Breast Milk of Amerindian Women as Compared to U.S. Women
- Hunter-Gatherers, Forager-Horticulturalists Demonstrate Minimal Hypertension and Lower Risk of Heart Disease
- Low Testosterone Level in Amazonian Tribe Responds to Competition, According to Anthropologists at UCSB
- UCSB Anthropologists Examine Relationship Between Social Status and Fertility
- UCSB Study Finds Physical Strength, Fighting Ability Revealed in Human Voices
- Researchers Examine Development of Large-Scale Cooperation in Human Societies
- UCSB Anthropologist Studies Human Life Span, Evolution of Physiology
- UCSB Study Finds Physical Strength, Fighting Ability Revealed in Human Faces