Welcome to Evolutionary Anthropology and Biodemography

Dr. Michael Gurven’s research group studies how ecological and social factors shape behavior, physiology, health and psychology. Incorporating insights and perspectives from behavioral ecology, life history theory and evolutionary medicine, biodemography and human biology provides a unique research environment for explaining human diversity.

His working group occupies both wet lab and behavioral lab space, and field sites around the globe.

He is Chair of Integrative Anthropological Sciences @ UCSB and a co-Director of the Tsimane Health and Life History Project.

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Sarah Alami in Todgha valley, Morocco

Tsimane blockading a road to prevent COVID-19 transmission

Ben Trumble (now @ ASU) and Angela Garcia (soon @ Emory)

Roviana, Solomon Islands

THLHP physician Daniel Eid Rodriguez and biochemist Henry Moron Encinas

Carolyn Hodges, Melanie Martin, Emily Miner and Lisa McAllister dissertating in Bolivia

Field family in Fatima

Tsimane extended family, Upper Maniqui